Temla Basfor 70 years old. He belongs from Horizon community. He is a physical disability. His wife name is Laxmi Basfor. He has two sons & three daughters. He is living in Mymensingh district of Notun Bazar Relget Harizone coloni.
In 2016 Teamla Basfor suffered from Paralyze. He lost his right side body movement. His family admitted him in Mymensingh Medical college hospital for treatment. After few days doctor realize him and advise him to take rest and physiotherapy. He could not walk and all the day he lying in his room alone. He wants to go outside and talk with community people. His family member could not buy a wheelchair because of their poor financial condition.
His son came to PCC and request for a wheelchair for his father mobility.PCC staff visit his home and seeing the real situation PCC agree to provide him a wheel chair. Now Temla Basfor can move outside and talk with community people easily. His family members are very happy to having the wheel chair.
All the time he is living in his room so need to one wheel chair for go to outside. Teamla Basfor came for treatment & Wheel chair in PCC 2018. PCC staff assessment him and decide one wheel chair need for him. When wheel chair got he was very happy to say now I can go outside easily.